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Young Han Solo? I’ve got a bad feeling about this…..

By now everyone knows Disney has bought the rights to Star Wars and Lucasfilm in general.(and pretty soon they’ll own the film rights to all our lives.Just because they can.) Unlike a few other fans, I welcomed this changing of the guard and I have faith in Disney to be respectful of the franchise. After all they’ve done a great job handling the Marvel properties by basically leaving Marvel Studios be and cashing the checks.

I’m excited at the prospect  of a new trilogy and fully support the hiring of Abrams, a self-admitted Star Wars fan.(I’d like to point out that while they aren’t the best films, I am not a prequel detractor. Could they have been better? Of course. But people who think they are the worst films ever need to reevaluate their film criteria.) But I am a bit apprehensive about the prospect of spin offs. I think Disney wants to apply the Marvel method of film making to the Star Wars franchise and why not? It certainly has worked out for them so far. But that line of thinking might not apply to Star Wars.

In my mind and I’m sure in the mind of several others, a Star Wars film is an event. Every time one has been released(Let’s not count that Clone Wars nonsense.)it  has been a pop culture happening. Anticipation is always at a fever pitch. It’s going to be the same when Episode VII is released. But what I fear with spin offs is the idea that we might see a Star Wars film every year. I personally think that takes some luster off the franchise and may dilute the brand. You always want the audience to be wanting more not needing less.

That isn’t to say I’m completely opposed to spin offs. I just think Disney and Lucasfilm should carefully plan each one out and ask themselves whether they can tell a good story as opposed to making one because they need a tent pole that particular summer. I think we can actually get some pretty great films out of some them. In fact, two of the three spin offs rumored so far intrigue me. The first, a proposed Yoda spin off, I would actually look forward to.Yoda died at 900 years old and we’ve barely scratched the surface of his history in the films. Now let’s slow down. I don’t want to see Yoda as a padawan as I think an origin story would take away from some of the allure of the master Jedi. But a film that illustrates Yoda as a fierce warrior who earns the rank of master?sign me up!

Then there is the rumored Boba Fett spin off. Another winner in my book. This is something fans have been clamoring for and even Joe Johnston has expressed interest in directing. Boba Fett is a character that can be plugged into several different scenarios and provide an entertaining outcome. Finally, however, is the spin off I feel could be disastrous, which is a young Han Solo film. Why am I opposed to this one while supporting the others?Simple. Yoda is CGI, Boba Fett is a guy in armor, but Han Solo is unquestionable Harrison Ford.

I have a hard time imagining anyone piloting the Millennium Falcon but Harrison Ford.(Maybe Billy Dee Williams, but that is beside the point.) Asking any young actor to fill in that vest is a tall order. They is a high probability of backlash, even more so than the prequels. If I were Disney I would steer clear of this project completely. To me, too much could possibly go wrong. So, that’s my take on the possible Star Wars spin offs.Agree?Disagree? Let me know. I want this blog to be open to all opinions whether they are mine or not. Until next time, May the Force be with you.

About venom897

Writer, ocassional comedian and pop culture ethusiast.

One response to “Young Han Solo? I’ve got a bad feeling about this…..

  1. I could dig a Yoda spinoff

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